Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Proud of what you’re working with?
Your séx life may prosper because of it: Men who feel positive about their génitals have less issues with éréctile difficulties. 
If you’re feeling somewhat anxious about your génitals, it’s going to have an impact on your séx life.
And although the majority of men felt good about their packagé, roughly one-in-five men are dissatisfied with their sizé.
Want to ease some of your anxiety? Cutting back on pôrn could be a step in the right direction.
“When watching pôrn, the type of (male) génitals men see are typically the same.” The packages are bigger, the men last longer, and then they come when they want to come, she says.
Simply put: comparing yourself to pôrn will always leave you feeling shortchanged. Especially when the average pénis falls between 5.1 to 5.8 inches long when eréct.
And just a word to the wise, fellas: Womén get hung-up on similar aesthetic insecurities.

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